
Defining Patriarchy (Ep. 1A) + Live Q&A Invite

Bite Sized Episode 1A + Vital Info for our Community

Dear trailblazers,

I don’t know about you, but I feel a shift happening.

Maybe because I am deep into writing, filming, editing this material to create these videos and content for us.

Maybe because working this deeply with this material is once again REVOLUTIONIZING my own personal life.

Maybe because ENCOURAGIN OTHERS TO NOT get innundated and swept up with the hysteria and chaos of the new Administration — and instaed focuse on what WE CAN DO…(hint hint: engage with the education I am providing on this substack).

Maybe because people are catching on to this work, this VITAL education — listening in and finding it also is revolutionary.

Maybe because my focus is getting clearer on what I can do to help us all put our energy in a PRODUCTIVE place.

Probably all of the above.

For me Deconstructing Patriarchy is NOT just about focusing on the education piece.

Deconstructing Patriarchy is ALSO about taking action, moving forward, finding motivation and connection to go in a new way.

With that being said, Episode 1 was WAAAAY too much for one episode, especially as I think about how I want people to engage and internalize this new info.

It dawned on me yesterday that all my videos have been waaaaay too much for one video — duh Holli!

So I have already pulled out Objective 1 and 2 and crafted new videos.

This is the first one of this redesign I am working on.

I will — and so sorry for this — be sending out the next 3 over next three days.

(I will do my best to not do this in the future…I know our inboxes are overflowing! But thank you so much for reading and watching this educaiton, from the bottom of my heart!)

I am still in the editing process for Episode 2 and will need to see if it needs to be broken up.

These new condensced versions have bonuses!

  • More focus

  • Better intros

  • Bonus tools at the end to integrate this work a bit more.

So I hope you will take the time to not just absently listen to this material — but really engage with it. Espeicially with the next bit of news.


Futhermore, between work I did when I was a “Conscious Apathy” type (more about that when I get to my own deconstruction journey’s towards the end of this first season) — and now being more tuned into the zygeist on the POSITIVE SIDE…

…I am finding others’ work that is adding fuel to my ideas.

I will use our new WEDNESDAY NIGHT Live Q&As on YouTube (still debating about doing both there and here…thoughts?) for the following:

  • Start us off with a somatic exercise to help get out of anxiety and into hope

  • Help encourage us to stay focused

  • Figure out together how to be informed in a SANE way

  • Answer questions (of course) about the previous week’s lesson/video — or other questions

  • SHARE vital info I am finding to help build this movement from other people doing amazing work.

I did this all of this in our first live together here…and the response has been positive.


7pm CST

So much love!


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